Monday, March 3, 2008

Working On Online Dating Services

Getting an online dating service to work for you instead of the other way around is going to increase your chances of finding love online. 90% of singles ( more so the men ) give up online dating after 3 months because they don't get the online dating service, or all of it's tools to work for them. They would rather sit there and struggle through, and attempt to get one reply to their flirts or winks without any luck.

There are millions of singles using any one of the most popular internet dating services so if you think there are short cuts to finding romance you need to try another avenue for your dating. If you want to create your free account, and then start dating other singles when you have thousands of other singles who are your competition working a dating service how it should be then online dating isn't for you. The bar and club scene needs singles like that, it keeps their profits high in drinks being purchased for another night of going home alone.

To get the online dating service working for you, you need to make full use of the benefits especially when you're on your free trial. The first thing that is going to put you in front of a majority of other singles is a photo on your profile. This not only makes your profile stand out, but most searches at online dating web sites have the "show profiles with photos only" option ticked. This means that if you don't have a photo your profile will probably never even get seen.

So then you have to start contacting singles yourself instead of them contacting you. The thing is if you haven't got a photo on your profile you're not going to get a reply either so you'll be browsing the profiles for the next 3 months, wasting your time sending winks for nothing, and then give up.

With your photo on your profile you're going to get in the search results a lot more often. And this means you'll get contacted more often which means you don't have to be sitting at your PC so often. Most singles sit at their PC browsing the profiles hoping they're going to start interacting with someone but they're looking for the singles that are interacting with the singles that have a photo on their profile.

Once you've caught someone's attention with your photo you need to keep them interested with the contents of your profile. You need to let other singles know that you want to be contacted. Say that you want to be contacted don't just assume that they will because a lot of people need some persuasion even if they'd like to contact you anyway. A simple "I'm waiting to hear from you" at the end of your description of yourself will get them thinking of what they're going to say to you. That's unless they're a freeloader who sends you a wink, and they haven't even got a photo on their profile. You can ignore them, you'll get a ton of messages from singles like that if you have the right photo on your profile.

Keep everything you say in your profile positive. Just talk about the thinks you like in life, and what qualities you like in your ideal mate. Talk about the things you think are fun, and what you enjoy doing. Singles will respond to you more just by reading your profile. This will increase your emails, and also increase the response rate to the emails you send out.

Just like a profile without a photo, if you fill it with negativity you'll be the one searching the profiles and sending out emails that don't get a reply.

So if you create a profile with a good photo of yourself, fill your profile with positivity, and let other singles know you want to be contacted then the online dating service is going to work for you. The more approachable you are online then you're going to get a load of emails especially if the area you live in has a ton of members belonging to the dating service. The more the internet dating service does for you, you'll have more time to enjoy the rest of your life.